Finding Home Improvement Sales for Black Friday

Black Friday is the best day of the year to find deals on that TV you’ve been eyeing. But did you know that it is also a great day to find sales on home improvement items?

You’d be surprised how many big ticket items you’ll find for your remodel at some of the best prices of the year. You can also find smaller items that keep your remodel moving. Whatever type of home improvement item you’re looking for, there’s a good chance that you’ll find it on sale during Black Friday.

Here are five tricks to help you find excellent home improvement sales.


1. Pay Attention to the Little Things

A lot of the focus at Black Friday is on the big-ticket items. But there are plenty of deals for smaller, more affordable items too. If you’re doing a renovation, you know that you always need supplies like nails, hammers, and screws. Black Friday is a good time to stock up on these at a screaming deal.

Look for discounts on things you use to maintain your home. Filters and repair kits are great to have on hand. You may as well stock up on them while you can get a good price.

Smaller items may not seem to be on sale as much or as frequently as the larger items. This is partly due to the math. Higher prices look like better deals because you’re dealing with bigger numbers. In reality, the percentage you receive in discounts is similar for both large and small items.


2. Seek Out Sets

Because the focus is so much on bigger items, you can usually find great deals on smaller items that come in a bigger set. You’re already familiar with the concept of buying in bulk. A set of screwdrivers is often a better deal than a single one.

Look for sets or buy in bulk to get the best deals. A washer/dryer set, tool set, sets of light fixtures, etc. all offer you the better deal.


3. Think Out of the Box

Your big box stores will always have Black Friday sales, but have you considered some smaller businesses, or even service providers?

Just about everybody gets in on the Black Friday action. That probably includes some service providers you need for your remodel. Even if the carpet installer, HVAC company, or the window washer doesn’t have a Black Friday sale, it’s likely they’d be open to having a conversation about making a deal.


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4. Make Time for Tech

Black Friday has always been about technology. Besides checking out the latest TVs, turn your attention to home tech like smart thermostats, home security systems, robot vacuums, and even whole house smart systems you can control from your phone.

As long as you’ve got the walls stripped down to the studs, it’s a good time to think about wiring your home for smart appliances. Give your connection a boost with a mesh wireless system so all your smart tech will be available all over the house.


5. Don’t Wait

Black Friday sales are starting earlier and earlier every year. Don’t wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start shopping. Put out feelers at the end of October and start looking for the deals early in November.

Don’t fall into the trap of waiting because you think the deal might get better closer to the end of the year. Home improvement items don’t have an expiration date like so many other items that go on sale for Black Friday. These are things that are needed year in and year out and they don’t change much with the shifting of trends. When you see a good price, move on it.

Ready or not, it’s time for Black Friday sales to begin. Don’t get caught off guard. Start prepping today.

In a hurry to get some upgrades done before guests arrive? Here are 15 things you can do this weekend.

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